Jedi Monk Practice: Clearing of the Temple Space Meditation and Ritual Take 1 non denominational.
Welcome to the Monastic Jedi Practice: Clearing of the Temple Space Meditation and Ritual
Clearing of the Temple Space ritual:
- Beginning: Start as you usually would, grounding and centering yourself in preparation for the ritual.
- Jedi Force Attune Level 1
- Touching the forehead, say, “Through Knowledge, we gain Wisdom.”
- Touching the chest, say, “With Courage and Integrity, we serve the Force.”
- Touching the right shoulder, say, “In Mindfulness and Reflection, we align with the Force.”
- Touching the left shoulder, say, “In Balance and Harmony, we embody the Force.”
- Clasping the hands at the heart, say, “The Force is with me, always.”
- Casting the Circle: Visualize a sphere of bright white light surrounding you. As you trace the circle with your hand or ritual tool, intone “There is no death, there is the Force.” Feel the spiritual energy of the Force permeating the entire sphere as you cast it.
- Invoking the Elements and Banishing Pentagrams:
Visualize bright, flaming pentagrams at each cardinal point. As you draw each pentagram, call upon the corresponding element and intone its affirmation, emphasizing the transformation from the negative to the positive. At the same time, visualize the essence of each element and feel its energy.
To the East, draw the Air pentagram. As you do, visualize the essence of Air and its symbolism, and intone “There is no Ignorance, there is Knowledge.” Feel the airy quality of this energy as you imbue the pentagram with its essence.
To the South, draw the Fire pentagram. As you do, visualize the essence of Fire and its symbolism, and intone “There is no Passion, there is Serenity.” Feel the fiery quality of this energy as you imbue the pentagram with its essence.
To the West, draw the Water pentagram. As you do, visualize the essence of Water and its symbolism, and intone “There is no Emotion, there is Peace.” Feel the watery quality of this energy as you imbue the pentagram with its essence.
To the North, draw the Earth pentagram. As you do, visualize the essence of Earth and its symbolism, and intone “There is no Chaos, there is Harmony.” Feel the earthy quality of this energy as you imbue the pentagram with its essence.
Proclamation of the Space: Declare your space a sacred space of harmony, peace, knowledge, and serenity, now purified and protected by the Force. This is typically done by repeating the initial proclamation: “The Force is in me, I am one with the Force.”
- Closing: Perform the Jedi Force Attune Level 1 again to close the ritual and ground the energies invoked.
Remember to always close the ritual by thanking the Aspects of the Force and the elements for their assistance.