Force Attunement -JediMonk
Light Attunement Practice

Jedi LBRP / Clearing Temple Space Take 2

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Hero_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Jedi Monk Practice: Clearing of the Temple Space Meditation and Ritual Take 1 non denominational. Introduction Welcome to the Monastic Jedi Practice: Clearing of the Temple Space Meditation and Ritual Clearing of the Temple Space ritual: Beginning: Start as you usually would, grounding and centering yourself in preparation for the ritual. Jedi Force […]
Beat of the force guided take 2 – Youtube Vid Link 60 BPM

Reference Text
Clearing of the Temple Space Meditation and Ritual

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Hero_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Jedi Monk Practice: Clearing of the Temple Space Meditation and Ritual Introduction Welcome to the Monastic Jedi Practice: Clearing of the Temple Space Meditation and Ritual Clearing of the Temple Space ritual: Stand in the center of your space, facing East. Visualize the Aspect of Knowledge (Air) surrounding you, and say, “By the […]
Monastic Jedi – Aspects of the Force
[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Headline_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] The Eight Pillars of the Force In My Monastic Practice I believe, the Force is a unifying energy that connects all living beings and permeates the universe. The Force manifests itself in many aspects. In this tradition we focus on the Aspects of Light, as we are beings that are alive, not dead, […]
Beat of the Force – Breath Exercise 1

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Hero_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Daily Practice Beat of the Force. Introduction The Beat of the Force is a breathing practice tailored for Jedi Monks and members of the Church of the Body to cultivate inner balance, mental clarity, and a profound connection to the Force. This continuous breathing exercise uses a metronome to enhance our presence and […]
Monastic Jedi Light Alignment- Daily Ritual – Prep Practice

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Hero_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Daily Practice Light Alignment- Luminous Cross. Introduction Welcome to the Monastic Jedi Light Alignment, a powerful practice designed to harmonize and align your energy with the universal Force. As a Monastic Jedi, you are on a path of self-discovery, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment. The Light Alignment is a vital tool in your […]
Jedi Monk Middle Pillar/Light Attunement Major